Polyvagal Balancing || By Chardin Bersto MA
So far, we have mapped out the pathway of the Polyvagal System. Now you’re probably wondering what you can do to maintenance the system. Well, many moons ago, in my studies of the Yogic practices, I learned that in every Chakra there is a Vagal Plexus. At the time, I found this quite amazing because the Yogic system has been around for over 2000 yrs (5000 yrs to be most accurate). We do not know how much these yogis knew about anatomy. My guess, their knowledge coms more from experience.
Through the application of what they call “bandhas” they experienced changes in their body awareness. The word translates as “locks”. Think of the body as sponge so, when one applies a bandha in a chakra it’s like squeezing the fluid out of a sponge and when the bandha is release, nourishing fluid rushes back into the area, revitalizing organs and glands in that area. The following areas and chakras will give you and idea of what the bandha system can influence:
- Purpose:
Bandhas are believed to enhance concentration, improve circulation, and support various bodily functions, including digestion, metabolism, and hormonal balance.
The most commonly known bandhas include:
- Mula Bandha (Root Lock): Involves contracting the muscles of the perineum (area between the anus and genitals).
- Udyana Bandha (Upward Flying Lock): Focuses on contracting the abdominal muscles and drawing the diaphragm upwards.
- Jalandhara Bandha (Throat Lock): Involves pressing the chin towards the chest.
- Maha Bandha (Great Lock): A combination of Mula, Udyana, and Jalandhara Bandhas.
How they work
Bandhas are performed by tightening specific muscle groups, which temporarily restrict blood flow in certain areas. When the lock is released, this is thought to stimulate circulation, increase blood flow, and rejuvenate organs in the targeted area.
The two bandhas not mentioned here are:
Ajna Bandha (Third Eye): Stimulates circulation around the pituitary gland, important for the balancing of the hormonal system
Sahasra (Crown Chakra): stimulates circulation around the pineal gland, stimulates and balances the circadian rhythm.
The first four chakras listed are particularly important to address the dorsal nuclei of the Vagal pathway. Ajna bandha and Sahasra more about our connection to the infinite.
Like I mentioned earlier, in my body work protocol, I address all these areas. If you have an interest in learning more about this system, I recommend making an appointment with me or someone who is versed in Kriya yoga.
I have an office at People House and in Longmont.
About the Author: Chardin has been an Adjunct Practitioner at People House since 1998. He is the creator of Advanced Body Therapeutics (ABT). It is a new orientation of creating synergy in the body systems. ABT uses assessment tools from Osteopathic Theory, Chinese Five Element Theory, Applied Kinesiology, Yoga Therapy, Polyvagal Theory, and Structural Therapies to determine the relationship of the metabolic systems of the body as well as address common structural issues related to stress or trauma.
The goal in his body work is to create balance in the body and neutralize the polyvagal responses. In doing so, it reduces pain, calms emotion upset, and strengthens the immune system.
Chardin’s web address is www.abtherapeutics.net