Our practitioners conduct their practice of healing, education and/or growth according to the ethics and guidelines of their particular field. In addition, they maintain a belief in the wisdom of the individual that is in harmony with the basic People House philosophy.

We want to make it clear that everyone offering services at People House is an independent healing art professional in private practice and therefore is to be held solely and totally responsible for their conduct to all who make use of their services. All facilitators, therapists, ministers and interns maintain their own schedules. This includes anyone using space at People House for any and all activities. The professionals are not employees of People House, but rather independent businesses.
People house is not to be held responsible for problems that may result with a practitioner providing their services to you. Additionally, since each person is an independent business, no practitioner at People House is to be held responsible for problems that may result with another practitioner or People House.
Ultimately, it is YOU who is responsible for the choices you make of who and what method you may choose for your education and healing process. We suggest you trust your inner wisdom to lead you in the right direction.
The practitioners are to conduct their practices of healing, education and/or growth according to ethics and guidelines of their particular field. Should you feel that a pracititoner is not conducting their practice according to the ethics and guidelines of their particular field, you may wish to contact the Licensing Department at Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies at 303-894-7855 or 1-800-886-7675 or www.colorado.gov/dora