The People House Blog Series

“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” – C.S. Lewis

These blog posts are written by some of our amazing community members!

Ego Defenses ll By Rich Brodt

By People House | December 17, 2019

Today, I am taking a pause from writing about self-care, to discuss a topic that I have been seeing in my sessions quite a bit recently: ego. When the average person hears that term, the assumption is that we are talking about someone’s arrogance, cockiness or big-headedness. However, the term actually has several definitions, and…

3 Maps for Life’s Journey ll By Rev. Mary Coday Edwards, MA.

By People House | December 11, 2019

Nothing like an old white guy defining and telling a woman what her journey ought to look like.  And then gaslighting (1) her when she disagrees with his pronouncement. Joseph Campbell was in his late 70s when he dissed the woman’s journey as outlined by Jungian analyst Maureen Murdock in her 1990 book, The Heroine’s…

Finding Gratitude Even When it Seems Impossible ll By Dorothy Wallis

By People House | December 11, 2019

The sunlight bounces off the myriad shades of burnished auburn and gold as I rake leaves into plump piles.  The azure sky is a deeper blue in autumn as the angle of the sun dips lower. The air has a bit of a chill. In Colorado the sun is quite intense and so the temperature…

Has a culture of insecurity distorted our reality? ll By Rich Brodt

By People House | December 11, 2019

At various times throughout my forays into writing I have delved into the current political climate of the United States. And yet again, we find ourselves at one of the most divisive times in our history. I’ve touched on issues with confirmation bias and the inability to accept opposing viewpoints based on the information targeted…

Trusting, Confidence and Inner Peace ll Kate Heartsong

By People House | February 14, 2018

Trusting ourselves and that all is well in our lives is a big one for many people.  It certainly has been for me!  I have gratefully become more trusting over time, trusting myself, others, and that all really is in divine right order in my life.  Of course, we all can’t go around trusting everything, but that’s where discretion…

Abiding in Stillness || Dorothy Wallis

By People House | February 14, 2018

Is the turmoil and chaos around the world impinging upon your life?  Is your level of anxiety increasing?  Do you desire relief from uncertainty and stress?  The world is rapidly changing and it may seem overwhelming to constantly experience so much change.  You may want life to be simpler, easier, and less complicated.  You may…

The Lost Art of Patience: an Antidote to Stress and Chaos ll Dorothy Wallis

By People House | January 22, 2018

The Lost Art of Patience: an Antidote to Stress and Chaos By Dorothy Wallis      As the year winds down, you may still be feeling the intensity of the tumultuous changes that have been taking place in your life and in the world.  The Chaos discussed in October’s blog continues.  For many it has…

Light and Dark: Living a Seasonal Mythos ll Mary Coday Edwards

By People House | January 22, 2018

Blog 21 Light & Dark: Living a Seasonal Mythos By Rev. Mary Coday Edwards, MA      Like a light dusting of snow covering a bleak industrial landscape, our religious leaders cloak crass and frenetic Christmas consumerism with a barren literal religiosity, embedding the Christ mythos into the Santa mythos in order to sanctify our…

Losing Connection through Connectivity ll Rich Brodt

By People House | August 31, 2017

Losing Connection through Connectivity By: Rich Brodt      An opinion is only that, an opinion. All opinions are valid as they are simply views or judgments based on one’s personal beliefs. Everyone is entitled to them. Everyone has opinions with which others strongly disagree. They are subjective, and certainly not conclusive.      Opinions…

The opinions expressed by the guest bloggers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of People House. The content provided through the People House website and blogs are for informational purposes only. Should you decide to take action in real life based on this information that is your own responsibility and choice.

The opinions expressed by the guest bloggers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of People House. The content provided through the People House website and blogs are for informational purposes only. Should you decide to take action in real life based on this information that is your own responsibility and choice.

The purpose of People House is to create a space and atmosphere where everyone is accepted for who and what they are at this moment...

and to enhance the possibilities of who and what they might become should they choose to expand their spiritual awareness.