Orient Your Being in the Direction of YES || By Catherine Dockery MA, Conscious Aging Facilitator

Whatever hard thing we’re facing, we have a choice to give up or not. But even if we give up, all is not lost because we can say YES in the darkness, even as it envelops us and pulls us down.
Do not fear the darkness
The darkness is your friend
It has always been with you
And will be there in the end
My therapist says that all clients come to therapy in pursuit of happiness, which comes when we can say YES to something. Saying YES keeps us in the flow and makes us feel alive. She says it’s our guide, i.e., our desire for something other than what we’ve got. Even when we don’t know what that is. The desire comes from our deepest, darkest place that shows us truth.
When every light’s gone out
And left you all alone
The darkness lets you in
Takes you as its own
Our very essential being holds the wisdom that guides our life. Something inside we cannot touch but we cannot put aside either.
Everyone has an innate sense of wanting to come alive, a wish for happiness that leads us toward what is good for us. We can trust it. Find within yourselves what is within you that wants something better for you.
The light has her charms and
Dazzling beauty
But the darkness has a beauty
You can never see
When happy, we say YES to that someone or something. We join with this someone or something. For example, sitting by the sea and saying YES to the sea. Or you meet a good person and say, YES, I like her.

Look at the energetic process of happiness rather than the concrete object that we think will bring us happiness. Be aware of how quickly the longing for happiness gets turned into something concrete, i.e., “I need more money.” We hold this tightly into a specific goal, but, we lose something in making it so concrete. We may attain or reach this goal and still not find happiness. Have you ever attained something but then found it wasn’t better, maybe even worse? When we can say YES is when the energetics between ourselves and the other begins to flow. We find happiness when the energetics flow freely. When our YES finds agreement.
You feel it in your bones
You feel it late at night
When the world is hiding
Left without its light
You may notice you are happier in nature. Nature has free energy that is not attached to anything and is not split; the energy of nature flows absolutely freely.
Why is it so hard to get to YES? When we look at someone we usually look at what we do not agree with, i.e., we are going to look at their faults and what irritates us.
See what is blocking you and wrestle with it until you can find some YES. It challenges our soul to expand. It makes us grow.
The darkness will keep you
Wrapped in its embrace
It will hide you from the world
It will keep you safe
Say YES to this natural force. We can work in the darkness of uncertainty and not-knowing and find safety and resolution and make different choices; We can move toward what is difficult and free ourselves of the influence of the terror or the fear.

When we try to defend ourselves against what we don’t want, we can create an internal conflict. We are split when we say YES to some energy and no to another energy. YES brings us to acceptance, not necessarily approval. When conditions are impossible to approve of, we can still find a YES in some aspect of it. The soul can find its own happiness when it’s says YES to the invitation. It’s not dependent on the outcome. When we consent to the invitation, we can let the YES that is in the darkness lead us to the way to happiness.
The darkness has made her home
In places forgot
The light one day will leave you
But the darkness will not
Do not fear the darkness, it is part of you. Accept it and say YES to its promptings.
References and Further Reading
Ideas taken from the teachings of Elena Veselago, via trainings with Elena and Sarah Peyton, https://sarahpeyton.com/product/foundations-of-constellation-facilitation-with-master-constellator-elena-veselago/
Poetry by Calluna https://steemit.com/poem/@calluna/do-not-fear-the-darkness-original-poem
About the author: Rev. Catherine Dockery, MA, is a People House minister and a trained facilitator in conscious aging, nonviolent communication and resonant healing of trauma. She has an MA in Public Administration and BA in Communications both from the University of Colorado at Denver. Catherine started The Center for Conscious Aging in 2015 where she conducts workshops, personal coaching and support groups for older adults helping them to understand their developmental changes and transform their lives. She has 10 years of experience in individual and group facilitation and presents on aging topics throughout Colorado. To learn more about Catherine’s services please visit www.centerforconsciousaging.org or email [email protected]