The People House Blog Series

“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” – C.S. Lewis

These blog posts are written by some of our amazing community members!

Polyvagal Balancing || By Chardin Bersto MA

By People House | March 26, 2025

So far, we have mapped out the pathway of the Polyvagal System. Now you’re probably wondering what you can do to maintenance the system. Well, many moons ago, in my studies of the Yogic practices, I learned that in every Chakra there is a Vagal Plexus. At the time, I found this quite amazing because…

The Hidden Struggles of Highly Sensitive People: Illness, Medications, and Self Care || By Annabelle Denmark LPC

By People House | March 18, 2025

Being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) means experiencing the world on a deeper level—physically, emotionally, and mentally. Dr. Elaine Aron, in The Highly Sensitive Person, describes HSPs as having a finely tuned nervous system that makes them more reactive to their surroundings. This sensitivity can be both a strength and a challenge, especially when it…

The Art of Compassionate Communication – Part 2: Observing & Feeling || By Kevin Culver LPCC

By People House | March 4, 2025

This series of blogs is focused on how we can improve communication in our relationships, both professionally and personally, specifically by using Rosenberg’s framework of nonviolent communication (NVC).  In the last blog, we identified the roadblocks that often get in the way of understanding and collaboration in our communication – namely judgment, comparison, denial of…

Maybe … Maybe Not || By Beth Hinnen, Certified Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher

By People House | February 25, 2025

There is a wonderful Buddhist story, maybe Zen, maybe not, about a man, his son, and a horse. It goes something like this: Once upon a time, before there were cars and the internet, there was a man, his son, and a horse. One day, the horse ran away, and all the villagers came by…

Betrayal: How to Rise After Your Trust has Been Shattered || By Lora Cheadle JD, CHt

By People House | February 18, 2025

Betrayal. Just the word alone can send a shiver down your spine. It’s one of those gut-punch experiences that shakes your foundation, leaving you questioning everything—your relationship, your worth, and sometimes, even your reality. But here’s the truth: Betrayal isn’t just about what someone else did to you. It’s about what happens inside you when…

Baking Sourdough Bread as an ADHDer || By Annabelle Denmark LPC

By People House | February 4, 2025

(Bonus: ADHD-Friendly Recipe at the End!) I was born and raised in France, where fresh, crusty bread is a daily staple. There’s nothing quite like the smell of a well-baked loaf, with its crispy golden crust and airy crumb. After years of struggling to find good bread where I live, I decided to take matters…

The Transformative Power of Skiing || By Jeff Dixon, MA, MM, LPCC

By People House | January 28, 2025

Let’s face it, winter is finally here. Ski resorts are open and the powder-hungry weekend warriors are mentally preparing for the hours stuck in westbound I-70 traffic. Why the snow-mania? What could be so great about skiing that attracted 14.8 million visits to Colorado ski resorts during the 2022-2023 season? What compels people from all…

The Art of Compassionate Communication – Part 1: Identifying Roadblocks || By Kevin Culver LPCC

By People House | January 14, 2025

As humans, we all have needs, emotions, and feelings, but we often struggle to express them, especially in the context of relationships. Many never learned how to identify our needs or feelings, much less communicate them to others. And when we try, it often ends up in misunderstanding, disappointment, and hurt, amplifying our feelings of…

A Season to Pivot || By Beth Hinnen, Certified Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher

By People House | January 7, 2025

More than ever, we’re pushed to have certainty. Strong opinions, tightly held and loudly proclaimed. And then, when reality intervenes, it can be stressful. … It’s not easy to say, “I was wrong.” And so people live in stress, sticking with something that used to work longer than they’re comfortable with. Our challenges in shifting…

Find Your Zen Around Your Family || By Annabelle Denmark LPCC

By People House | December 31, 2024

A guide to finding your ground during challenging encounters, using Internal Family Systems Family gatherings, particularly with relatives we’re hoping to maintain a relationship with but feel conflicted about, can be fraught with tension. You may want to approach these interactions with neutrality, but it can be hard when past emotions, unresolved issues, or triggering…

The opinions expressed by the guest bloggers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of People House. The content provided through the People House website and blogs are for informational purposes only. Should you decide to take action in real life based on this information that is your own responsibility and choice.

The opinions expressed by the guest bloggers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of People House. The content provided through the People House website and blogs are for informational purposes only. Should you decide to take action in real life based on this information that is your own responsibility and choice.

The purpose of People House is to create a space and atmosphere where everyone is accepted for who and what they are at this moment...

and to enhance the possibilities of who and what they might become should they choose to expand their spiritual awareness.