The Art of Letting Go: A Journey through Emotion, Release, and Pleasure || By Rick Garcia, Certified Sex/Cannabis Coach, LMT
Life can be a dance, with many tricky moves that can look effortless but in reality these effortless-appearing displays are an example of practice, patience, compassion, and passion. When we make ourselves vulnerable enough to enter the dance of life, we must learn a profound, scary and transformative technique. This technique can become art, the art of letting go. As a sex coach, I’ve witnessed the parallels between the emotional release of letting go (to a partner, a job, a behavior, etc.) and the powerful surrender in the throes of orgasm. Both demand presence, willingness, and a recognition that beauty often lies on the other side of fear. Many times it is fear that prevents us from letting go. There are of course many different reasons. In this blog, we’ll delve into the interconnected realms of emotional and sexual release, and how practices like mindfulness, breathing, meditation, and even cannabis can be powerful allies in this liberating journey.
We’ve all seen the videos on YouTube or the images of a person letting go while making it look effortless. While that can be the case sometimes, it should be known that letting go emotionally is a courageous action that requires effort. Akin to standing at the edge of vulnerability, it requires a conscious choice to release what no longer serves us, whether it be past traumas, limiting beliefs, or unfulfilled expectations. Much like the anticipation before an orgasm, the emotional buildup can be both thrilling and terrifying. Discomfort can create disconnection, blocking us from moving forward. But, what if, embracing the discomfort and trusting the process is the first step toward liberation?
Sexual release, like emotionally letting go, demands presence and a willingness to surrender. The journey towards orgasm is an exploration of pleasure, connection, and vulnerability. It requires a release of inhibitions, an openness to sensation, and an active participation in the moment. Of course, a sexual release can be something that is just automatic, nothing more than a reaction to the stimuli presented to us, or sometimes even a show for our partner. That’s not the release I’m talking about. The sexual release I’m talking about is mindful, intentional and connected. It is the profound release that you can have when you feel truly safe and free. This is the type of sexual release that gives healing and sustained pleasure. When we can’t let go, this can show up as early ejaculation (premature ejaculation), delayed reaction, or arousal issues just to name a few.
In both emotional and sexual release, there is a unique beauty found in surrender. It’s a letting go of societal expectations, self-judgment, and the need for perfection. The beauty emerges from the authenticity of the experience, from embracing the messy, imperfect, and vulnerable aspects of ourselves. Have you ever sat down with the things you can’t let go of and asked yourself what is really behind not letting go? By acknowledging both the thing that holds us back and the beauty in surrender, we cultivate a deeper connection with our true selves and those around us. This allows us to learn the art of letting go.
Incorporating meditation can create a space where individuals can explore their emotions and sensations with heightened presence, making the journey of letting go more accessible and profound. When we learn that we can let go of our thoughts, then we can learn to let go of anything that doesn’t serve us.
- Cannabis has long been associated with relaxation and altered states of consciousness. When integrated into meditation practices, it can be a powerful tool to enhance the art of letting go. Cannabis has the ability to shift the mind, amplify sensory experiences, and elevate awareness. Incorporating it into a meditation session can create a space where individuals can explore their emotions and sensations with heightened presence, making the journey of letting go more accessible and profound.
In the intersection of emotional release, sexual surrender, and the mindful exploration of altered states, we find the art of letting go. It’s a journey that requires presence, courage, and an appreciation for the beauty that emerges from the depths of vulnerability.
My work is to help my clients find the blocks that prevent them from letting go. Then we work on moving those blocks. You might be surprised by the feeling you can get when you have support. Support that is there to help guide you to embracing the transformative power of letting go, unlocking the full spectrum of pleasure and self-discovery that lies on the other side of fear.
About the Author: Rick Garcia (he/him) is the owner of Cannabased Coaching & Wellness. Rick started his career in the healing arts as a licensed massage therapist in 2005. Looking for a shift he transitioned to HIV prevention and has worked in sexual health for 11 years. Realizing the gap in sexual health and sexual fulfillment Rick became a certified sex coach and sexologist so that he could help people explore their ideal sexual self while remaining as safe as possible. His sex coaching services are holistic and combine elements such as talk, somatic exercises, the MEBES model, cannabis and a variety of other modalities. When his wellness center opened he decided to have another arm available for massage therapy. To learn more about Rick’s services please visit or contact him at [email protected].