Relationship Check-Ins – Conversation to Connection || By Tristan (TJ) Dubovich, Affordable Counseling Intern for People House

One of the biggest struggles for couples can be finding the time or energy in sharing important information – whether this be simple, logistical communication like “Am I the one picking up our son from soccer practice this week?” to more complex and emotional communication like “I’m feeling like we’ve been becoming distant lately and…

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Attachment Styles in Relationships: To Be or Not to Be…Secure? || By Tristan (TJ) Dubovich, Affordable Counseling Intern for People House

Do you remember where you first learned what relationships should look like? What influenced your ideas on how you should communicate with your partner or the expectations you should hold for them? If yes, you have an amazing memory and I’m jealous. But if not, it’s fair to say you most likely learned about relationships…

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