The Art of Compassionate Communication – Part 2: Observing & Feeling || By Kevin Culver LPCC

This series of blogs is focused on how we can improve communication in our relationships, both professionally and personally, specifically by using Rosenberg’s framework of nonviolent communication (NVC).  In the last blog, we identified the roadblocks that often get in the way of understanding and collaboration in our communication – namely judgment, comparison, denial of…

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Accepting Difference || By By TJ Dubovich MFTC

We all know that our partner is going to have some differences from us. If they didn’t, we would be in a relationship with a clone… and maybe that’s your thing, but I’m guessing most of you want a partner that has differences that compliment or challenge you, creating excitement and nuance within the relationship.…

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Turning Towards || By TJ Dubovich MFTC

As a marriage and family therapist, I hear couples say things such as “I just don’t want to fight anymore” or “We have been fighting more recently and I’m concerned that means deeper issues in our relationship”. While increased, toxic conflict is not a good sign within a connection, conflict, in general, is neither a…

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The Myth of Escalator Sex || By TJ Dubovich MFTC

In the realm of sexuality, there is a pervasive myth that suggests desire should always be like an escalator, consistently and predictably moving upwards. This idea implies that if you and your partner are truly compatible, you should effortlessly slide into a state of continuous, unending desire. Not only that but once you both have…

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Are you ready for ENM? Food for Thought on Opening up Your Relationship || By Tristan (TJ) Dubovich, Affordable Counseling Intern for People House

ENM or ethical non-monogamy, otherwise known as polyamory, has increased in visibility as a relationship style for individuals in recent years. A February 2023 YouGov poll finds that one-third of Americans (34%) describe their ideal relationship as something other than complete monogamy (Sanders, 2023). With this increase in visibility and practice of polyamory, there are…

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