Posts Tagged ‘Mindset’
Maybe … Maybe Not || By Beth Hinnen, Certified Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher
There is a wonderful Buddhist story, maybe Zen, maybe not, about a man, his son, and a horse. It goes something like this: Once upon a time, before there were cars and the internet, there was a man, his son, and a horse. One day, the horse ran away, and all the villagers came by…
Read MoreI Think, Therefore I’m Not: Breaking Free from Limiting Mindsets || By Rick Garcia, Certified Sex/Cannabis Coach, LMT
As a child, my favorite book was The Monster at the End of This Book. It’s a great read for kids with lessons that carry over into adulthood. Spoiler alert: Grover knows there’s a monster at the end of the book and is terrified. Each page brings him closer to what he imagines to be…
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