The People House Blog Series

“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” – C.S. Lewis

These blog posts are written by some of our amazing community members!

Contrast ll By Rich Brodt

By People House | December 17, 2019

Contrast. It is a term used frequently in the creative world. Art, writing and film almost always need to contain contrast in order to be impactful. The most stunning works are those that have the highest level of contrast. The Count of Monte Cristo, for example, is memorable because of contrast. If the protagonist had…

Riding the Waves of Emotion ll By Erin Amundson, MA, LPC

By People House | December 17, 2019

As a therapist, it may seem obvious that I encounter a broad spectrum of emotions from a diverse set of people. As I’ve engaged my international practice over the past year, I’m starting to see that while each individual’s experience is unique, emotional patterns and family systems are quite archetypal around the world.   While it’s…

5 Stages to an Updated Personal Myth ll By Rev. Mary Coday Edwards, MA.

By People House | December 17, 2019

In my last blog, I gave examples of personal myths, and wrote of how they largely operate unawares in our lives, like a puppeteer pulling the strings behind our unconscious screen.  They are like a lens that gives meaning to every situation you meet and what you will do in it, answering the greater questions of life:…

The Truth About the Challenge of Changing Your Thoughts ll By Brenda Bomgardner

By People House | December 17, 2019

We all have heard how to change your thinking and everything will work out just fine. I offer you a simple test to check out the reality of how easy or hard it is to change your thoughts. This is a test you can’t fail. I promise.  All you gotta do is fill in the…

Working with the Enneagram ll By Rich Brodt

By People House | December 17, 2019

Keeping in line with the themes from my previous piece, I want to take a closer look into the Enneagram and why it can be so useful for healing professionals to use with their clients. I believe that the Enneagram is a tool that can be useful for most people. For those who are unfamiliar,…

The Power of Daydreams ll By Erin Amundson

By People House | December 17, 2019

Following the launch of my fall online group, I’m reflecting even deeper on the content I’m teaching.  It’s no surprise to me that every member of the group agreed that they go unconscious and find their mind daydreaming a worst-case scenario.  For some, this is worry about a loved one. For others, worry about a…

The Glory of Lion’s Tooth: In Praise of Diversity ll By Dorothy Wallis

By People House | December 17, 2019

Dandelion, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet” and you with your bright golden shaggy Lion’s mane and your “dent de lion” serrated leaves will always remind me of playing in meadows and making dandelion chains.  The French Norman word for tooth of the…

Personal Myths: Update the Stories that Drive Your Life ll By Rev. Mary Coday Edwards, MA.

By People House | December 17, 2019

“Who’s going to marry a woman with three children?!” This was my mom’s incessant angst-driven rant after our father was killed in a tragic farming accident and left her alone to raise us little ones, all under the age of 10. I could never comprehend her distress. She was a school teacher and had put…

What Does Swimming Have to do with Mastering Learning? ll By Brenda Bomgardner

By People House | December 17, 2019

I can tell you from personal experience it really stinks to jump into the deep end of the pool and not be able to swim. True story. When in elementary school I was dared to jump into the deep end of a pool. I thought, “Self you can do this swim thing.” My heart was…

Ego Defenses ll By Rich Brodt

By People House | December 17, 2019

Today, I am taking a pause from writing about self-care, to discuss a topic that I have been seeing in my sessions quite a bit recently: ego. When the average person hears that term, the assumption is that we are talking about someone’s arrogance, cockiness or big-headedness. However, the term actually has several definitions, and…

The opinions expressed by the guest bloggers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of People House. The content provided through the People House website and blogs are for informational purposes only. Should you decide to take action in real life based on this information that is your own responsibility and choice.

The opinions expressed by the guest bloggers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of People House. The content provided through the People House website and blogs are for informational purposes only. Should you decide to take action in real life based on this information that is your own responsibility and choice.

The purpose of People House is to create a space and atmosphere where everyone is accepted for who and what they are at this moment...

and to enhance the possibilities of who and what they might become should they choose to expand their spiritual awareness.