Rumination and Playful Imagination || By Catherine Dockery, MA, Conscious Aging Facilitator

Rumination Rumination involves repetitive thinking or dwelling on negative feelings and distress and their causes and consequences without moving into problem-solving. Round and round you go. But did you know that familiar, automatic and repetitive patterns of behavior are also forms of rumination? Playing the same feelings and reactions over and over based on long-ago…

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Understanding the Correlation Between Neurodivergence and Addiction: A Focus on Food and Substance Dependence || By Annabelle Denmark LPCC

Important: This blog entry is based on patterns that I have noticed in the population I work with, readings, and my personal experience. The data is consequently not based on scientific research. Furthermore, every person will have a different experience, and there is no claim here on what is to be expected or not. Please…

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