Renting Space Available at People House Office and workshop space is available (by the month or by the hour) for professionals wanting their own space while being associated with one of the oldest personal growth organizations in the Metro Denver area. We are primarily interested in healing arts professionals, facilitators, counselors or spiritual practitioners.
All first-time users of space or non-affiliates of People House will be asked to complete an application. Once application has been submitted, a one hour meeting with Executive Director is required. Once approved, you will be provided a link to the room reservation calendar, along with instructions on using our space.
We have space available to rent or lease at both our Denver and Aurora locations. Our Denver office is located in the Highlands/Sloans Lake area of Denver, and is located in a brick Victorian built in 1886. Our Aurora location is out by I-225 & Iliff, and is located in an office building.
Please note that at the Denver location we have four floors. Only the main floor is handicap accessible. We will try and make accommodations for any clients that have mobility restrictions.
Denver - 3035 W 25th Ave. Denver, 80211. Aurora - 13693 E Iliff Ave. Suite 112, Aurora, 80014.
We ask that you treat our space as your own.
Shared Spaces Available
Our shared space are available to rent by the hour or for part-time leases. Our part-time lease program is perfect for those looking for 8-24 hours a week.
Rose room is great for individual sessions, or small groups, and, it can seat up to 6 people. It is located on the second floor of People House, with a wonderful north-west exposure.
Rose Room
Spruce Room
The Chapel
The Loft
Information on Renting Space at People House
Hourly rentals
Leasing Space
Full-Time Leases
Part-Time Leases

For more information on the People House Professional Practitioner Participation Program click here.